Quote to ponder.

"Any trial whatsoever that comes to you, can be conquered by silence. "

No Greater Love Than This

No Greater Love Than This
My Friend died for me.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The year is over, but God is good.

My friend in Jesus Christ, the time has come again to close the old year and open a new one. God, who is the Lord of history and the Knower of all that will come, has graciously led us through many obstacles and challenges, and protected us from the constant dangers which haunt our earthly existence. the Psalmist said of God, "through the desert His people He led." He guides every step of our journey. As I write this I remember a favorite prayer which I wrote years ago and which I try to say and live by everyday to this day.
Before the new constitutions for the Discalced Secular Carmelite Order came into effect in 2003, we, as Secular Carmelites, had the Rule of Life. it was a beautiful little document, and in it we had the three ideals that as secular members of the Order had to live by. These Ideals were, a deep sense of faith in God's infinite love for me, faithfulness to contemplative prayer, and a love for the apostolate. They are three true pillars on which one can build a happy and joyful path in this chaotic world. As I said, in those years I compiled these three ideals into a prayer which sums up a recipe for a life well lived. I would like to end the year by sharing this prayer with you, hoping that by the grace of God you will journey towards a similar direction, trusting in His Goodness and seeking to serve Him every day of your life.

Eternal Father,
Help me today to live the ideals of Carmel. Grant that I may always have a deep sense of faith in Your infinite love for me, that I may know that You watch over me every moment of my life, and that nothing happens to me without Your knowledge and consent.
Make me faithful to contemplative prayer, grant me the spirit of detachment it entails.
Lead me O Lord, to an ever fuller union with You.
Eternal Father, fill me with Your love, that I may practice fraternal charity with perfection, and that I may grow ever more generous in the work of the apostolate.
May I live out these ideals under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

"May the God of peace make you perfect in holiness. May He preserve you whole and entire, spirit, soul, and body, irreproachable at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls us is trustworthy, and He will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trusting The Good God.

Trusting God in everything is the wisest path one can take. Keeping free from sin and making time to be with the One "who loved the world so much that He gave His only Son.", is the most excellent strategy, bar none. All the other escapades into work, or money, or pleasure or knowledge, fade in comparison to a life seeking to be God's friend. In today's second reading we hear St. Paul telling us "He who called us is trustworthy, and he will do it. How good and reassuring it is to know that God is trustworthy, that He will never let His friends down, that we can sign a blank contract with Him and let Him fill the conditions. The Blessed Virgin said to the angel who brought Her the news of God's plan for her, "I am the servant of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your words." if we can truly trust God and confidently say to Him everyday, Lord, let it be done to me according to Your will today, tomorrow, and always. Then there is no reason for us to worry, to be anxious, and to fear any situation. he has already given us His own Son, will He not with Him also give us everything else? Why should we be afraid, have we no faith? The psalmist confidently says. "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"
My friend, always seek God's friendship, resist sin with all your might, and always seek to find God in the events of your life. He is there always. He will never let you down, and when you find yourself wondering if He actually did let you down, watch and wait, and you will see that you were wrong in doubting His trustworthiness.
As we come closer to celebrate the coming of the Christ Child, let us ponder the joy this Divine baby brings to pure hearts. What bigger and better gift can we ask for? God is good, God is good, God is very good. Blessed be God forever.