He is Risen, These were the words of the angel who appeared to the women who went to the tomb of the Lord. The greatest event since the fall of Adam and Eve. Death is not the winner anymore, it does not have the last say. He who is Life itself, and who came to die for us, rises from the depths of death to a new living dimension never seen before. The forty days that followed were the most unique in the history of humanity. Imagine those simple men who were chosen to be His disciples. They saw Him many times, He invited them to touch His wounds, to eat with Him, to sit and listen to Him as He taught them about their upcoming mission to go and preach the Gospel, and to baptize. No one else in history had such a magnificent experience happen to them. How they must have finally understood what God really planned for us, that we would live forever without the limitations of our sin laden bodies, prone to suffering and illness, and death. How they must have rejoiced as they went to their beds to sleep, having discovered the great glory God has in store for us. No wonder Thomas's response when he saw the Lord was " My Lord and my God." It is the cry of a man who has crossed the threshold of doubt into full understanding of the new reality.
Easter is a time to rejoice, it is a time of celebration of the victory of humanity gained through its one and only Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us be still and rejoice, for now we know that through Him we can only win. "I thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent, and have revealed them to mere infants." ( Luke 10:21.) May Your Name be blessed forever.
The great writer G. K Chesterton once said that "Peace and joy constitute the greatest secret of Christianity." A true Christian is a person full of hope and joy, knowing that eternal glory is his reward. I can imagine the angels singing to the Blessed Virgin the "Regina Caeli".
Queen of heaven rejoice, alleluia,
for the Son whom you merited to bear, alleluia,
has risen as He said alleluia.
Rejoice and be glad O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
For the Lord has truly risen, Alleluia.
This is the meaning of Happy Easter.
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